Agricultural products imported into the European Union from the United Kingdom will face new export certificate requirements related to radiation testing once the U.K. leaves the EU at the end of March 29, the EU said in a new regulation published March 8. The EU requires non-members to test their agricultural product exports for radioactive contamination if they are located in the zone affected by the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, and the U.K. will become one of those countries after Brexit, the EU said. “As soon as Union law ceases to apply to and in the United Kingdom, agricultural products originating in the United Kingdom will have to be checked in terms of radioactive contamination before they are allowed to enter the Union,” the regulation said.
Importers and exporters in the United Kingdom with an Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI) number that was assigned by another European Union member state (i.e., does not start with “GB”) will still be able to import and export goods with the EU “for a temporary period” once the U.K. leaves the EU as planned March 29, the U.K.’s HM Revenue and Customs said in a guidance document. “HMRC will provide further guidance shortly after the UK leaves the EU to tell you when you’ll need to apply for UK EORI number,” the agency said. Companies without an EORI number at all will need to get one before importing or exporting with the EU after Brexit, and getting one could take up to three days, the guidance document said. U.K. companies with an EORI number that begins “GB” already have the required U.K.-assigned EORI number for trading with the EU and non-EU countries after Brexit, the guidance said.
In the March 7 edition of the Official Journal of the European Union the following trade-related notices were posted:
Export licenses issued by United Kingdom authorities will no longer be valid for dual-use exports from the European Union if the U.K. leaves the EU with no deal on March 29, the U.K. Department for International Trade said in a guidance document issued March 6. The same goes for licenses issued by other EU member states, which after a no-deal Brexit could no longer be used to export dual use items from the U.K., the guidance said.
As long as the trade talks are limited to industrial goods -- which does include fisheries under World Trade Organization rules -- European Union Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom said she thinks the talks could conclude before the current commission leaves office in late October. Malmstrom was visiting Washington to talk to her counterpart, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, and to give a speech at the Georgetown Law International Update.
In the March 6 edition of the Official Journal of the European Union the following trade-related notices were posted:
The United Kingdom’s new Trade Remedies Investigations Directorate began work March 6 on administering the U.K.’s new framework for antidumping and countervailing duties that will be necessary once the U.K. leaves the European Union, the U.K. Department for International Trade said in a press release. The temporary directorate “will administer trade remedies functions until the Trade Remedies Authority (TRA) is legally established as an independent body with the passing of the Trade Bill,” the release said.
In the March 5 edition of the Official Journal of the European Union the following trade-related notices were posted:
In the March 4 edition of the Official Journal of the European Union the following trade-related notices were posted:
The United Kingdom’s HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) on March 4 launched a new online portal for importers and exporters to get Economic Operator Registration and Identification numbers, which will be required to trade with the European Union if the UK leaves the EU with no deal at the end of March. Once the application is submitted, the EORI number might be provided immediately, “but it could take up to 3 working days if HMRC needs to make more checks,” the agency said in updated guidance. The EORI number will be required for businesses “established in the UK” that don’t already have an EORI and that will import or export goods with the EU after 11 p.m. GMT on March 29, when the UK is currently scheduled to leave the EU. An EORI will not be required for trade with Ireland across the Northern Ireland-Ireland border, HMRC said.